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Caldwell Women Rise is a non-partisan group who comes together to share our concerns, to listen and learn from each other, and to support each other as we take action to make a positive difference in our county, our state, and our nation.


Our fundamental tools are conversation and a serious effort to educate ourselves while inviting others to join us in that effort.  We share with one another what we learn as we take on various individual interests and concerns.  This sharing takes the form of online communications, regular gatherings, and forums on particular topics and issues of concern in our community in order to push for positive change. Actions to be undertaken by the large group will evolve from this sense of community we create as we share with one another.  


Are men welcome In Caldwell Women Rise?  Of course!  We believe that no progress can be made without the voices of all people in the community and seek to provide communications through which many perspectives can be heard, respected, and turned into action.

Learn. Support. Act.

Asheville Women's March
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